When starting this company in 2019 we wanted to be able to recreate the feel of any top end stick from any of the big brands. We have developed four builds in order to cover most bases:
Red Line - Mid Kick: Made to feel comparable to any current top of the line mid kick stick including the Bauer Nexus Geo or 2N PRO or the CCM Tacks ASV, AS4 or AS3.
Red Line - Low Kick: Made to feel comparable to any current top of the line low kick stick including the Bauer Vapor Hyperlite, Flylite, 1X Lite or the CCM Ribcore Trigger 7, Trigger 6 etc.
Third Line: Made to feel comparable to 2015-17 era top of the line CCM sticks including the Ribcore Reckoner and Supertacks.
Model E: Made to feel comparable to the classic Easton feel dating back to the original Synergy & Stealth days but constructed with more modern materials and technology.