Since Professional players have the luxury of designing their own custom curve, a "Pro Curve" simply refers to a custom curve that has been developed by a professional player. In other words, a Pro Curve is the actual curve that a professional player is using in games. Did you know that the "Kane" curve (retail P88) is not what that player actually uses in games? Just look at any photo of him in a game since 2008 and you will see his blade shape is completely different than the retail P88 (his actual curve has a square toe). So then why is that curve called the "Kane" ? See the next section on retail curves.
A "retail curve" refers to the limited options that are commonly sold in stores. For example the P88 (AKA the "Kane"), or the P92 (AKA the "Backstrom" or the "Sakic"). Like we mentioned in the pro curve section above, those 3 players never actually used that curve that is named after them in stores. The big brands will sign players to endorsement deals and then assign one of their stock "retail" curve options to each player. For example look at the naming history of the P92, it was the "Backstrom" and then the "Ovechkin" but both of those players use custom "pro curves" that are completely different from the P92.