High Peformance inventory
This is one of 15 curves available in our high performance inventory lineup. Choose from VX, VS, or VF depending on your play style. In stock & ready to ship today!
Description: One of the best curves we have available, and not only because it belongs to one of the best players. The curve is like a P92 but the blade shape is an exact copy of the easton Iginla (basically the curve is like a deeper/more curved iginla). This curve is very versatile, with the highlight obviously being lightning fast hands due to the blade shape.
Lie: 4
Blade Length: Short (29 CM)
Blade Shape: Very similar to Easton E7 Iginla
Players Using This Curve: Connor Mcdavid (He used this from juniors up until 2020, he has recently switched to P90).