High Peformance inventory
This is one of 15 curves available in our high performance inventory lineup. Choose from VX, VS, or VF depending on your play style. In stock & ready to ship today!
Description: Flat in the heel with a huge toe hook mid way through the blade. Hossa had many variations of this curve and this is the biggest version with the most toe hook. Saucer passes with this curve are a dream with the flat portion at the heel, but you also get all the shooting and toe dragging advantages of a nice toe curve. Great for stickhandling, saucer passes and snapshots.
Lie: 6 (We adjusted it to be higher, original lie is about 4.5)
Blade Length: Short (29 CM)
Blade Shape: Sharp toe like the P28 but shaved down a lot on the top side of the toe, the bottom is also very flat compared to P28 (no rocker).
Players Using This Curve: Marian Hossa, Danton Heinen.