High Peformance inventory
This is one of 15 curves available in our high performance inventory lineup. Choose from VX, VS, or VF depending on your play style. In stock & ready to ship today!
Description: This is CCM's version of the old Warrior W10 Gionta curve. The curve is comparable to the Bauer P14 / CCM P30 but with more of a toe hook at the end. The blade shape is also similar to P14 but the toe is rounded off. A great stickhandling curve with the short blade and toe hook, best for players that like to shoot in motion and play in a more crouched stance.
Lie: 5
Blade Length: Short (29 CM)
Blade Shape: Similar to P14 with a rounded toe
Players Using This Curve: Nathan Mackinnon, Mathew Barzal, Brent Burns, Tyson Barrie.