High Peformance inventory
This is one of 15 curves available in our high performance inventory lineup. Choose from VX, VS, or VF depending on your play style. In stock & ready to ship today!
Description: A very open mix of heel and toe, imagine if the P92 had a nice toe hook at the end like a P28, along with the P88 toe shape. This is the best curve for crispy saucer passes, and one of the best all around toe curves for stickhandling (especially forehand/backhand toe drags), wrist shots, snap shots and ofcourse: one-T's. This is versatile curve that is great for both forwards and d-men whether you are looking to dangle and throw nasty saucers, or if you're a heavy shooter.
Lie: 6.5
Blade Length: Medium (30 CM)
Blade Shape: Blade dimensions are similar to P92, but the toe is semi-squared like a P88
Players Using This Curve: Patrik Laine, Seth Jarvis + many pro players in Finland (Palola, Elo).